In this intensive workshop you get to learn about the liberating Get Free Lifestyle.
After getting know your heart issues and doing a deep-dive into their root causes you will get to know how to rearrange and restore your life and the actions that flow from these. Through the healing power of forgiveness and the power of resurrection through Jesus, you will release untapped potential, breathe deeply and take hold of new freedom.
One workshop, different aspects
1. The Get Free sessions
The Get Free Lifestyle will be presented to you in a very profound and above all close to life way. You will recognize your heart’s challenges and the divine principles to tackle these head on.
Tackle the renewal of the heart
Discover bitter roots and their fruits
The leaving and cleaving principle: parents and their role
Recognizing a „heart of stone”
Breaking inner oaths
Expressing forgiveness
Living repentance
Understanding oft he unseen world
2. The Get Free assessment
After the sessions, you get to go home and analyze your own life with the help of a questionnaire. This will help you and areas where you want to have more freedom.
3. Personal conversations
These personal conversations join all the puzzle pieces together. They take place with Get Free coaches on a separate date. The coaches point out connections, ask questions and support you on your journey to more freedom. As a rule this will take place with two or more coaches at a time, as each coach has or her own area of expertise and thus complement one another. If necessary, there is also the opportunity for group conversations, i.e. several Get Free participants have conversations with the coaches.
Here’s what people who have attended the Get Free Seminar have had to say:
“The seminar did my heart so good. So much truth was spoken into my life. So much life was spoken over me and served for an incredible amount of change to happen.”
“The connections between topics that the Get Free coaches pointed out in my life really impressed me.”
“My take-away was: The encouragement to let go of fear of people and recognizing patterns of behavior among friends that may have grown from a bitter root.”
No Dates available
We will inform you about the next dates at the beginning of 2023.